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Search Results for: Blackout Material (141)

Single-Material Aspheric Achromats

Single-Material Aspheric Achromats correct chromatic aberrations with a unique geometry, leading to numerous benefits over conventional achromatic lenses.

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Buffer Material

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The Correct Material for Infrared (IR) Applications

Using an Infrared Application? Discover the importance of choosing the right material and comparisons of each at Edmund Optics.

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What type of material should I look for in a filter?

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Can Light Absorbing Black-Out Material be used in a vacuum environment?

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Choosing a Material for Use in the Infrared

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Chalcogenide material strengthening through the lens molding process

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Graphically selecting optical components and housing material for color correction and passive athermalization

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Does the thickness of the polymer polarizer affect its optical properties?

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What does the wavelength designation mean for quartz retarders and how does this relate to the film specifications?

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Fiber Coupler Calculator

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Why plastic aspheric lenses?

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Do diffusers affect the polarization of light?

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What are Ultra-Thin Filters?

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Ball Lens Calculator

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Why does the polarization of a laser matter?

The polarization state of a laser source is important for many different applications.

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Ultrafast Laser Optics from Edmund Optics - PhotonicsNEXT 2021

Learn about Edmund Optics' ultrafast laser optics capabilities in this interview with Tony Karam from the PhotonicsNEXT Summit in January 2021.

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Can BK7 be used for UV applications?

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Is there a technical difference between a positive and a negative resolution target?

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Optical Windows Review

Optical Windows provide protection between an optical system or sensitive electronics and an outside environment.

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How an Aspheric Lens is Made

Edmund Optics® manufactures thousands of precision aspheric lenses per month in our asphere manufacturing cell that operates 24 hours a day.

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How can you determine the diameter and ring thickness of the beam created with a Plano-Convex (PCX) Axicon Lens?

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What is the fast and slow axis of a retarder and how do they differ?

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What is the difference between a jacketed and an unjacketed optical fiber?

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Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing is revolutionizing rapid prototyping, IP protection, and the job market in the optics industry

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab Module 3: Illumination Overview

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Athermalization Ruggedization

Athermalization is a type of ruggedization that mitigates the harmful effects of thermal expansion and defocus in optical and imaging systems.

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What is the difference between using an absorptive ND filter and a reflective ND filter?

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What is "cross-talk" and how can I eliminate it?

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How do I cut and polish glass and plastic fibers?

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